About Us

What We Do

The Time Traveler’s Emporium is a unique take on online auctions. We add a little whimsical fantasy to the auction experience. Whether it be an Estate Sale, Consignment Sale or Downsizing Sale, it’s through the eyes of our Time Traveling Duo -Yours Truly and Professor Dashing!

How we do it…

Our company offers, Curated Sales, Consignment Sales and traditional Estate Sales featuring unique collectibles, fine and vintage jewelry, furniture, décor and housewares, vintage and designer clothing and everything in between – all offered with our fantasy branding!

Time and again

While we are out Time Traveling, we are gathering items for the next online auctions, so join us on Auction Ninja for the current auction and check back frequently for future auctions.

Happy Time Traveling!


There’s much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. Use the button below to go to our current auctions hosted by Auction Ninja…and have fun!


Our own brief history of Time Travel

The Art of Time Travel, as you know, dear reader, has always been a closely guarded secret, one that we cannot share with you (if only for your own protection), but what we can share is our own personal story…

While experimenting in our laboratory (that’s La-Bore’-a-Tory for anyone who hasn’t seen a 1930’s horror movie), my rather Dashing and quite mad (not angry – another 1930’s movie reference) scientist husband (did I mention Dashing?) discovered the secret of Time Travel.

While my main passion (apart from the Dashing Professor Time) is shopping, the Professor saw little practical application, and a dwindling pocketbook in my chosen vocation.

Then Eureka! (also a city in California…) We came up with the idea of combining Time Travel & Shopping! What could be more brilliant …
and fun?

My Dashing One has also harnessed the fantasy dimension, where we travel to our Steampunk World (oh, the corsets and air balloons!)

Being a hopeless romantic, our Steampunk workshop is where we spend most of our days and (ahem) nights, with occasional forays into the Present to offer our findings to you, dear reader.

Here I am in the 1920’s.

As you can see, I took to the flapper age in a big way. Spent many a night dancing the Charleston and drinking bathtub gin. The Fashions were Fabulous! The Dashing Professor looked exceptionally (yes, you guessed it) Dashing in his tails and top hat. Putting On The Ritz!

I brought a few things back from that trip and vowed I would go again soon. At least that’s what I told Harry (Houdini), Rudy (Vallee & Valentino, quite a pair, those two), and dear Douglas Fairbanks – what a swashbuckler!

The Dashing Professor rather liked Theda Bara, but that’s a story for another time.
(no pun intended)

That’s Yours Truly in the 1930’s…

I spent time as a Cabaret singer. By everyone’s account, not much of a singer, but I looked fabulous in those fishnets! We also went on Safari with Papa (Hemingway, not my pater) and took a lot of photographs (the only way to shoot things).

Even with all the distractions, the Professor and I still managed to gather quite a number of things for your perusal. What a wonderful age!

The 1940’s

What can I say, dear reader?

We went incognito in that decade: no pictures, no hobnobbing with the celebrated, no extravagant clothes (I admit to a certain melancholia about that part.)

The Dashing Professor and I did meet some fascinating people, sold war bonds, and did a few USO shows. Again, I must state, not a great singer. The Professor says I have other attributes…

We did a little spying (for the allies, of course) so we know Loose Lips Sinks Ships, and while you will see some treasures from the 1940’s, we can never tell you how and where we acquired them…Dear Hedy Lamar’s advice.

The 1950’s

Ah, the 50’s, good reader…

Professor Dashing and Yours Truly just adored Hollywood at that time.

I spent some time as a body double for Jane Russell. Here is a publicity still – so, is it Jane, or is it your humble Time Traveler?

Some said we were like twins.

James Dean was a dreamboat! The Professor was quite jealous of his attentions until I reassured him that not even the present day Four Chrises could turn my head. James Dean may have been a dreamboat, but he does not compare to my very own Professor Dashing, my Steampunk Romeo, my kilted Scottish hero, my…but I digress.

Despite all of our happy times and extracurricular activities, we did indeed bring back some lovely things, dear reader, with hope they meet with your approval.

The 1960’s

I must say, dear reader, that London in the 60’s holds little allure for the Dashing Professor and myself. While there were many treasures to be found (groovy and otherwise) my Darling Partner-In-Time and Yours Truly found the 60’s to be sadly lacking.

The fashions were atrocious, social graces non-existent, and even Fine Jewelry (which is a girl’s best friend) was substituted with large garish flower…EVERYTHING!

How I long for the glamour of the now forgotten 50’s.

The Dashing Professor was particularly out-of-sorts. He blamed the weather (too much rain, although the level of precipitation was quite similar to every other time we visited) and the English Cuisine (a definite oxymoron), a valid point in many eras by The Dashing One, who was driven to uncharacteristic crankiness.

I know, I know, dear reader, you are thinking: mad scientists are a moody lot. I must swear (something I never do) that my beloved Professor is almost always a genial, charming man with impeccable manners.

The 60’s must have an adverse effect on some (Mick Jagger, off the top of one’s head).

Our encounter with Twiggy was especially contentious with my Darling One shouting across a crowded room:

“For the love of God woman, eat a sandwich!”

Prince Charles (bless his little Royal Heart) was present and saved the day, by ushering us all to the buffet, where Twiggy did indeed partake of substantial nourishment and assuaged the Professor’s concern for her wellbeing.

But at that point, I knew we should embark for home (by way of a shopping expedition on Carnaby Street) before my Darling One got us put in the tower…

The Adventure Continues…

Stay tuned for the further adventures of the Time Traveling (and Shopping) Duo

(and their Steampunk Kitty, Pyewacket…)

See us in the 70’s, 80’s and beyond.

And…maybe we will go back to an even earlier time. Keep an eye peeled for Cleopatra’s asp, or Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy (although I may have to keep him), or even Napoleon’s (very short) pants.

But for now, the last century and even this one, have so many treasures…

We hope you enjoyed our story!

There’s much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. Use the button below to go to our current auctions hosted by Auction Ninja…and have fun!